
With the target group of the students, we are addressing secundary school children from 15 to 18 years. The PHABLABS 4.0 project will focus on the students to encourage experimentation with photonics and grasp the strong enabling character of this key enabling technology in combination with other KETs (Manufacturing, Electronics, Advanced Materials).

Once young minds are stimulated with inspiring photonics activities, it is important to offer to students different activities that will continue to expand their understanding and further curiosity about the enabling power of photonics, so that as they begin to make decisions about their future careers, photonics will feature strongly in the picture.  Ultimately this can only be beneficial in terms of the numbers of highly educated young people who enter the workforce with the capabilities to harness the potential of photonics for the betterment of our economies and societies.

Especially to foster the interest of girls in the domain of science and photonics, catching their interest and building their confidence before they become teenagers is really important. As girls are still underrepresented in science and engineering, there is a major opportunity to greatly expand and strengthen the workforce with greater female participation.

The main message we would like to give to the students :
Photonics is a key component behind a lot of applications. Consider participating in one of the Fab Labs "Photonics Workshops" dedicated to students.

11 appealing "Photonics Workshops" will target these students. The selection of these "Photonics Workshops" will be made available soon below.