State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology

Contact Persons

Contact Persons: 
Ieva Beleckaite
Linas Eriksonas
Sergejus Orlovas


The Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) is represented by the team of two researchers and a project manager, covering both the scientific domains (laser technologies, photonics, optoelectronics, terahertz imaging) and the outreach and innovation-related practice. Two departments will be directly involved in this project (Department of Laser Technologies and Department of Optoelectronics) supported by the Office of Innovation and Technology at FTMC.

FTMC will take up the role as an active partner contributing with the preparation of workshops and a challenge as related to the scientific domains and interests of the Departments involved. Further, FTMC will act as a liaison with the local startup scene and the existing and planned fab labs transferring the best practice from the project and contributing to the dissemination of the project results through the networks of young entrepreneurs and startups not only in Vilnius but also in other regional cities.

FTMC has been involved in carrying out outreach activities with the focus on three target groups: young entrepreneurs, youngsters and women scientists.

The first target group has been reached out through the Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics (setup by FTMC) which is operating both an incubator for new spin-offs and the shared cluster facilities. To that end several projects funded from the Structural Funds have been implemented that setup the facilities of the incubator for training and outreach.

The second target group (youngsters) have been targeted through hosting organised visits to FTMC open access centres on the campus of the Science and Technology Park. A pilot laser micro processing unit and several other setups of scientific instrumentation are available on site for demonstration. The guided visits are organised by the Department of Laser Technologies which operates the Open Access Centre BALTFAB at FTMC. Every year an annual Researcher’s Night is organised on the premises of FTMC providing open access to some of its facilities for the public-at-large (popular with youngsters).

The third target group (women in science) are addressed through the involvement of FTMC in international cooperation projects. FTMC is participating in the COST action GenderSTE (TA1201, Science, Technology, and Environment 2012-2016) which aims to promote a better integration of gender dimensions in science and technology, and, more specifically, to promote women’s careers in S&T through structural change of institutions by disseminating existing research and practice.

As of 15 March 2015, FTMC has moved into the newly built National Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology to be shared with the departments of the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University providing a new impetus for outreach activities, aiming at younger audiences. In view of the upcoming needs for more focused outreach activities FTMC has started the process of joining the European Centres for Outreach in Photonics (ECOP).