FabLab Brussels


Contact Persons

Contact Persons: 
Ann Peeters
Lieven Standaert

FabLab Brussels is a fablab shared by the Erasmus University College of Brussels and the Free University of Brussels. This fablab is embedded into the curricula of different degrees: the bachelor degree in Multimedia and Communication Technology and the bachelor/master degrees in Industrial Engineering. Next to the higher education focus, FabLab Brussels pays attention to incubation and social outreach, and developed different programs for this. The role of this fablab is twofold, first of all it will be used to organise workshops and challenger projects and second - because it is the fablab associated with the VUB - it will host the meetings with the different partners.

Participated already in the following EU-projects:

FabLabXL: Factories of the Future. 2013-2015. This EFRD-program was aimed to help 100 ambitious entrepreneurs in creating a first physical and/or multimedia prototype for the product/service to be valorised.